[Users] MediaProxy / RTPproxy / SER / Asterisk / HA / LVS / DNS [load-balancing and high availability]

Marcos Hack marcosh at voicetechnology.com.br
Thu Dec 7 15:49:20 CET 2006

Hello Thomas,

> 3. [Correct this part please] LVS (linux virtual Server) is a solution
> to load balance traffic but it's not SIP aware. You can use it for TCP
> connection but for SIP, it's very hard.
> However, you can set a load balancing on IP source, and so, each phone
> will see only one server.

For statefull Proxy, yes, there's some problems with load balance. For
stateless Proxy LVS works very well.

> More than this, the LVS solution will not try to know if Asterisk OR SER
> is alive but try to know if the server is alive. (most of the time, only
> the service going down, not the whole server ...)

LVS itself realy don't do that. But its not made to do, anyway.

You need to use a "health check" service that manipulate LVS
configuration, like Keepalived healthcheck framework, Heartbeat,
UltraMonkey, RedHat Piranha etc (variations of the same thing ;)

> C/c: The LVS is not a good solution. This can help but the reactivity is
> very bad.

Combining the right pieces you can do nice things.

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