[Users] TLS

Sebastian Murray-Roberts sebastian at cedux.co.za
Mon Dec 4 16:38:55 CET 2006


This may seem like a silly question, but I would just like to know if any
modifications need to be made to the routing block(s) of openser.cfg to
allow calls to be established using TLS?

I'm running openser v 1.1.0 and I have just setup TLS. I'm using SIPp to
test it and it seems to be working as I can register using a SIPp scenario.
However when I try and make a call the invites are challenged and
authenticated, but once that is complete the invite is not forwarded to the
uas. The uas is registered and listening using TLS. The SIPp scenarios also
work perfectly if I don't use TLS.

Am I missing anything?

Many Thanks

Sebastian Murray-Roberts (B.Sc Hons)
Server Developer
CeDux Technologies
Fax: +27 21 409 7050
Mobile: +27 72 183 5998

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