[Users] The lcr module has incorrect syntax for the current mysql release

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Sat Aug 5 21:45:39 CEST 2006

Brandon Price writes:

 > q_len = snprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_SIZE, "SELECT %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s,  
 > %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s, %.*s.%.*s FROM %.*s, %.*s WHERE %.*s  
 > LIKE %.*s.%.*s AND '%.*s' LIKE CONCAT(%.*s.%.*s, '%%') AND %.*s.%.*s  
 > = %.*s.%.*s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(%.*s.%.*s), %.*s.%.*s DESC, RAND()",
 > and it works. Notice I removed the ''s after WHERE.

if there is a problem, it must be in mysql client library, not lcr
module.  on the other hand, i don't understand why you didn't need to
remove the quotes also from arround AND '%.*s' LIKE.

-- juha

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