[Serusers] db problems after update to latest CVS

Steve Blair blairs at isc.upenn.edu
Wed Apr 26 11:08:45 CEST 2006

İlker Aktuna (Koç.net) wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I decided to update to the latest CVS version after meeting some 
> problems on presence events.
> It starts up fine but I see the following errors in the log file:
> /root/ser/sbin/ser[17332]: submit_query: Unknown column 'xcap_params' 
> in 'field list' 
> /root/ser/sbin/ser[17332]: db_query: Error while submitting query 
> /root/ser/sbin/ser[17332]: db_load_rls: Error while querying presentity
> I guess some tables in the mysql needs change. How can I drop all 
> tables and create suitable tables fonr new SER ?
Use ser_mysql.sh

> Thanks,
> ilker
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