[Users] Attended Transfer

Bastian Schern ml02 at in-bln.de
Tue Apr 25 18:36:43 CEST 2006


does anybody got a working configuration to make an "attended call 
transfer" with a call through an Asterisk gateway?


PSTN --> Asterisk --> SER --+-- A
                             +-- B

The call will come from the PSTN Network and will go through "A". A sets 
the call on "Hold" and calls "B". After A is connected with B, A hangup 
an B got the call from PSTN.

This in _not_ working at the moment.

Attended call transfer only with OpenSER and only SIP-Phones is no 
Problem. But if the is an Asterisk as PSTN-GW in the game it will not work.


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