[Serusers] Regular Expression Problems in this if statement?

Mik Cheez michael_bulk at wildgate.com
Wed Sep 28 18:51:59 CEST 2005

Can I assume that 'foor' is a typo?

>uri has 1 + 10 digits + @ + 3digits + . + 3digits + . + 1 + .foor.bar.net

Sherwood McGowan wrote:

> Hello all, very glad to have been a user on this list, though I have 
> been lurking.
> I've checked the documentation and have had trouble finding out 
> information on how to translate my standard regexes (perl) into SER's 
> routing logic
> I'm trying to use the following logic:
> if (uri =~ "^sip:1[0-9]{10}\@[0-9]{3}\.[0-9]{3}\.1\.foo\.bar\.net") {
>     #perform actions
> }
> Now, that SHOULD match the following scenario:
> uri has 1 + 10 digits + @ + 3digits + . + 3digits + . + 1 + .foor.bar.net
> Unfortunately, it's not working.Any help translating the regex, or 
> even just a link to the syntax allowed, maybe it's not allowing {n} to 
> match n times?
> Thanks,
> Sherwood McGowan
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