[Serusers] ebay to pay $4 billion for skype [OT]

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Mon Sep 12 18:42:16 CEST 2005

very expensive, personally a mistake me thinks. unless ebay want to use 
it to expand globably, cause they havent really cracked global market 
except through acquisitions, hence skype will let them reach lots more 

Using it for buyers and sellers to talk to each other, I am sure hiring 
a few people off this list would have been cheaper than $4billion, I'll 
do it for $1 billion :-).

What all these big comps jumping into VoIP dont realise is that there is 
no one who has successfully moved from business model A, to business 
model B, and been a success with it. Think of ISP , it was the new ones, 
AOL of this world who dominated not the baby bells, or likes of BT, 
think of email, MSN only really did well cause the BOUGHT hotmail, 
google can try an do whatever it wants, but it will always be a search 
engine, and Skype well if Skype founders had called skype...Kazaa, it 
would never have worked, they built a new company from scratch, thats 
why it worked.  Yahoo was doing 1 billion mins of voip per month 2 years 
ago on chat, and now all of a sudden everyone says they are jumping on 
the bandwagon ...

Having said all that I am open to offers over $1billion ...ah hell, $5 
million + pizza will do :-)


Corey S. McFadden wrote:

>Meg Whitman was on CNBC this morning via phone to describe what they're 
>actually thinking and apparently they want to brand eBay/Skype on 
>the calls and do a pay-for-calls from buyers for the sellers on the site.  
>They also talked a lot about a translation service they're doing where 
>they hook up a third party who has registered as a translator...  I guess 
>15% of eBay transactions cross a border or language barrier or something.
>Still seems like an expensive acquisition though.
>On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Iqbal wrote:
>>well I guess there's hope for all the VOIP companies/entrepreneurs on 
>>this list...if anyone makes a billion, feel free to make donation, I 
>>accept all kinds of currencies :-)
>>good luck
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