[Users] cvs freeze

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Sep 1 15:47:23 CEST 2005


as scheduled, the next release has to be in September, by the end of the 
month. The next step is to freeze the CVS for a while -- this will 
happen in just a few days. No new features will added, only bugfixes 
must be committed. Afterwards, a branch will be created for release and 
new features can be included in CVS head

So, until the cvs is frozen, it is the last chance to add something in 
the upcoming release. If you have something in mind, let us know.

Testing the development version would help a lot in the next period! 
Points of high interest are TLS, branch_route, acc, avpops, textops, 
uac, uac_redirect ... as much as possible with pseudo-variables.


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