[Serusers] Caller ID How??
Ray Van Dolson
rayvd at digitalpath.net
Mon Nov 21 22:33:11 CET 2005
We use the phone number as the username, that is definitely one solution.
However, if your SIP ATA's support Remote-Party-ID and your SIP/PSTN gateway
does as well, it *should* use the contents of that header for the caller id
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 03:52:41PM -0500, Eric Haskins wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a question regarding caller ID currently I am catching some flak
> because when ou outbound calls ring to the PSTN
> they see ,for instance SER username is 6013, 6013 on their caller ID. How do
> you handle this to show a valid inbound number on a user by user basis. We
> have a couple different people that use our server for outbound termination
> only they want it for instance to show
> 888-555-1212. Is there anything I can do to force ser to show a fulle
> telephone number instead of a user.
> I was thinking of changing their username to be the phone number they want to
> show up but is their another way?
> Eric Haskins
> 978-375-6112 Cell
Ray Van Dolson
Linux/Unix Systems Administrator
Digital Path, Inc.
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