[Serusers] How to always remove auth credentials?

Federico Giannici giannici at neomedia.it
Sat Nov 5 16:50:29 CET 2005

I have found that some UAs (e.g Grandstream's ones) send the 
Proxy-Authorization header even in ACKs messages.

As we don't explicitly try to authenticate ACKs, we cannot use the 
consume_credentials() function. In fact, it seems that we have to call 
proxy_authorize() before we can use the consume_credentials(). But it's 
contrary to RFC to call proxy_authorize() for ACKs and CANCELs methods!

So, how can we prevent the Proxy-Authorization information to be 
forwarded to subsequent hops?


    |-                      giannici at neomedia.it
    |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

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