[Serusers] is there anyone who has configured ser 0.8.14 with remote radius server

Shaikat Mahmud shaikat at stitel.com
Sat May 14 11:41:12 CEST 2005



I am trying to configure ser 0.8.14 with remote radius.


I am using radiusclient 0.4.8

And freeradius.0.9.1

And my os is debian



It is ok for local server. But when I am trying to do acc with remote
radius, it is not sending any information.

Now by seeing the debugging information ( and some code), I have found that
the error has generated from the radiusclient.


Now has anybody done it?

I have found that many people have faced lots of problem with ser-0.8.14 and
remote radius.


It works for ser-0.8.12


Thank you,



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