[Serusers] Billing and Blind call transfer

Evan Borgström evan.borgstrom at ca.mci.com
Wed May 11 18:14:13 CEST 2005

	How is B forwarding the call to C? Is the UAC generating a 300 code to 
be returned or is the forwarding handled by ser (ie. storing an AVP for 
B and then using avp_pushto() when the initial invite comes in)?

Schweizer Laurent wrote:
> Hello,
> I have made some test with cisco ip phone & blind transfer and I have a 
> question.
> Example:
> A: a at toto.com <mailto:a at toto.com>
> B: b at toto.com
> C: c at toto.com
> M: mobile at toto.com
> A calls B but B forward the call to C, C answer the call and transfer 
> the call to a mobile phone M via a pstn gateway.
> When C sends the REFER request to A we have something like this:
> From: b at toto.com <mailto:b at toto.com>
> To: a at toto.com <mailto:a at toto.com>
> Refer-To: mobile at toto.com
> Referred-By: b at toto.com <mailto:b at toto.com>
> And then when A sends the Invite to the gateways:
> From: a at toto.com <mailto:a at toto.com>
> To: mobile at toto.com <mailto:mobile at toto.com>
> Referred-By: b at toto.com <mailto:b at toto.com>
> But the call is transferred by C and not by B so the Referred-By: is not 
> correct. Is that an error from the cisco ip phone (I think not) and how 
> can I bill this call (I do the billing on the gateways).
> Thanks.
> Laurent
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