[Serusers] SER ..... How to enable the Accounting with MYSQL

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Tue May 10 19:40:03 CEST 2005

look at setflag and acc in serusers archive, also on onsip.org I think 
there is a guide.

As for tables ...this is a rough guide. so if its slightly off, someone 
correct :-

| Tables_in_ser         |
| acc                   |

Your accounting details , INVITE, BYE etc etc

| active_sessions       |

exactly what it says

| aliases               |

You can add a alias here which can be looked up from ser.cfg eg you can 
assign the username =1111, and in alias assign iqbal to 1111, that way 
the same user can be called using alias

| config                |

Never needed it...so not sure :-)

| domain                |

the domains that you support

| event                 |

again havanet used it
| grp                   |

This is to assign various userID into groups, eg one group could be 
IPonly, in ser you then check if the user is in group, then route the 
call appropriately.

| location              |

exactly what it says, your location, or should I say your IP phone and 
its IP address
| missed_calls          |

what it says
| pending               |

used by serweb, all new subscribers go into this, waiting for the user 
to click on confirmation

| phonebook             |

| preferences           |

dont have this table :-) have preferences_types instead, and again its 
for serweb

| reserved              |

not sure

| server_monitoring     |
| server_monitoring_agg |

serweb, and I think for something else ...
| silo                  |

| subscriber            |

your users

| uri                   |

I thin serweb, but would like some confirmation on this.

| version               |

table versions, used when updating to new version of ser



Manoj Ghag wrote:

> hi, All
> I have setup the SER with auth enable  for MySQL ( and radius also .. 
> at a time only one is used )  I am able to see that if user is not in 
> database he is not able to login to SOFTPHONE .... Now I want to   
> enable  accounting also  ,,, as in my case auth is working perfectly 
> fine but accounting is not working ... I have tried all the things ,, 
> but still I am missing somthing ...... please help me ...... as even 
> inserting the acc module in ser.cfg  file  nothing is getting inserted 
> into database .. in the form of accounting information..
> At the same time where can i get the information about .. what is a 
> information stored in each mysql table
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *my ser.cfg file is as follows ( where i have compiled ser with all 
> the module enable)*
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root at test ser]# cat ser.cfg
> #
> # $Id: ser.cfg,v 2003/11/10 15:35:15 andrei Exp $
> #
> # simple quick-start config script
> #
> # ----------- global configuration parameters ------------------------
> debug=5         # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
> fork=yes
> log_stderror=yes        # (cmd line: -E)
> /* Uncomment these lines to enter debugging mode
> debug=7
> fork=no
> log_stderror=yes
> */
> check_via=no    # (cmd. line: -v)
> dns=no           # (cmd. line: -r)
> rev_dns=no      # (cmd. line: -R)
> port=5060
> children=4
> fifo="/tmp/ser_fifo"
> # ------------------ module loading ----------------------------------
> # Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/sl.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/tm.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/rr.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so"
> # Uncomment this if you want digest authentication
> # mysql.so must be loaded !
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/auth.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/acc.so"
> loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so"
> #loadmodule "/usr/local/lib/ser/modules/auth_radius.so"
> # ----------------- setting module-specific parameters ---------------
> # -- usrloc params --
> # -- auth_radius params --
> #modparam("auth_radius", "radius_config", 
> "/usr/local/etc/radiusclient/radiusclient.conf")
> #modparam("usrloc", "db_mode",   0)
> # --domain module--
> modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
> #modparam("domain", "db_mode", 1)
> #modparam("domain", "domain_table", "domain")
> #modparam("domain", "domain_col", "domain")
> # --acc params--
> modparam("acc", "log_level", 1)
> modparam("acc", "log_flag", 2)
> #modparam("acc", "log_missed_flag", 2)
> #modparam("acc", "log_fmt", "fimos")
> #modparam("acc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
> #modparam("acc", "db_missed_flag", 2)
> # Uncomment this if you want to use SQL database
> # for persistent storage and comment the previous line
> modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1)
> # -- auth params --
> # Uncomment if you are using auth module
> #
> modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
> #
> # If you set "calculate_ha1" parameter to yes (which true in this config),
> # uncomment also the following parameter)
> #
> modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
> # -- rr params --
> # add value to ;lr param to make some broken UAs happy
> modparam("rr", "enable_full_lr", 1)
> # -------------------------  request routing logic -------------------
> # main routing logic
> route{
>         # initial sanity checks -- messages with
>         # max_forwards==0, or excessively long requests
>         if (!mf_process_maxfwd_header("10")) {
>                 sl_send_reply("483","Too Many Hops");
>                 break;
>         };
>         if ( msg:len > max_len ) {
>                 sl_send_reply("513", "Message too big");
>                 break;
>         };
>         # we record-route all messages -- to make sure that
>         # subsequent messages will go through our proxy; that's
>         # particularly good if upstream and downstream entities
>         # use different transport protocol
>         record_route();
>         # loose-route processing
>         if (loose_route()) {
>                 t_relay();
>                 break;
>         };
>         # if the request is for other domain use UsrLoc
>         # (in case, it does not work, use the following command
>         # with proper names and addresses in it)
>         if (uri=='') {
>                 if (method=="REGISTER") {
> # Uncomment this if you want to use digest authentication
>                         if (!www_authorize("", 
> "subscriber")) {
>                                 www_challenge("", "0");
>                                 break;
>                         };
>                         save("location");
>                         break;
>                 };
>                 # native SIP destinations are handled using our USRLOC DB
>                 if (!lookup("location")) {
>                         sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
>                         break;
>                 };
>         };
>         # forward to current uri now; use stateful forwarding; that
>         # works reliably even if we forward from TCP to UDP
>          if (!t_relay()) {
>                 sl_reply_error();
>         };
> }
> *Please see teh table list *
> [root at test ser]# mysql
> Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
> Your MySQL connection id is 376 to server version: 3.23.58
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
> mysql> use ser
> Reading table information for completion of table and column names
> You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
> Database changed
> mysql> show tables
>     -> ;
> +-----------------------+
> | Tables_in_ser         |
> +-----------------------+
> | acc                   |
> | active_sessions       |
> | aliases               |
> | config                |
> | domain                |
> | event                 |
> | grp                   |
> | location              |
> | missed_calls          |
> | pending               |
> | phonebook             |
> | preferences           |
> | reserved              |
> | server_monitoring     |
> | server_monitoring_agg |
> | silo                  |
> | subscriber            |
> | uri                   |
> | version               |
> +-----------------------+
> 19 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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