[Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Patched free-TLS implementation
Alex Mack
amack at fhm.edu
Wed May 4 18:28:39 CEST 2005
Hi Cesc!
I tried your previuos suggestions on changing cleint certificate check.
I'm now running SSL_VERIFY_NONE. MS Messenger works again. But the snom
still fails.
Ethereal tells me the server doesn't ask for a client certificate any
more. Ethereal also shows that "Cipher Suite: TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"
was selected. So far so good, but the snom still rejects the Server
Hello with an Alert.
What else have you changed? The original version worked with the snoms.
BTW patch throws some warnings:
# patch -i patch.core.cfg.files.diff
patching file cfg.y
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
1 out of 6 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file cfg.y.rej
patching file cfg.lex
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
1 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file cfg.lex.rej
cfg.y.rej reads:
*** 1,5 ****
- * $Id: cfg.y,v 1.2 2005/01/06 14:35:10 sam Exp $
* cfg grammar
--- 1,5 ----
+ * $Id: cfg.y,v 1.4 2005/05/03 08:16:35 cesc Exp $
* cfg grammar
cfg.lex.rej reads:
*** 1,5 ****
- * $Id: cfg.lex,v 1.2 2005/01/06 14:35:10 sam Exp $
* scanner for cfg files
--- 1,5 ----
+ * $Id: cfg.lex,v 1.3 2005/04/11 08:18:31 cesc Exp $
* scanner for cfg files
Seems to be a minor mismatch, it compiles well anyway.
Alex Mack
Cesc Santasusana schrieb:
>Yeah ... I send it with my default config which is using client and server authentication.
>I use this settings with minisip client (supports client side certs) and for tls between ser proxies. It works perfect.
>To turn client authentication off, check:
>tls/tls_init.c file
>init_ssl_ctx_behavior function
>the line
>means that the server will request a certificate from the client and if it doesn't get one, it will fail.
>Try changing it with:
>this way the server will request a cert, the client will not provide, but on the following renegotiation, the server (ser) will not ask for a cert.
>And if you want to turn verification off ... completely ...
>SSL_CTX_set_verify( _ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, 0);
>this will also work for you if only using tls for ser2phone ... it will not work if you want tls between proxies ... as the ser client will accept ANY certificate from the ser server.
>And then, from the prompt:
>>make TLS=1 all && make TLS=1 install ;)
>This whole verification thing needs to be improved and probably the parameters should be changeable directly from the config file. This and many other parameters should be exchangeable without the need to recompile.
>Any volunteer for a ser-tls.README? :D
>Can you provide me with some extra info from the snom phones and the messenger? Do it offline, so you can send me some ethereal captures and ser logs ...
>>>>Alex Mack <amack at fhm.edu> 05/04/05 02:01PM >>>
>Hi Cesc!
>I compiled in your patch.
>Now I'm facing a new problem: SER wants a client certificate from the
>UA. Snom phones immediately reply with an ALERT and break up connection
>upon the certificate requests. MS Messenger on the other hand sends at
>least a reply - without certificate - and SER rejects the Client Hello
>because of the missing client certificate:
>tls_accept: Error in SSL:
>tls_error: error:140890C7:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE:peer
>did not return a certificate
>Could you please provide some more documentation about the new TLS
>options you added? It seems you've implemented support for client
>certificates for a two-way certificate authorization - which would be a
>good thing if supported by the UAs, which don't right now. So how can I
>turn it off again and get back to server side certification?
>Alex Mack
>Cesc Santasusana schrieb:
>>Hi everybody,
>>The last i sent is a replacement as a whole for the original code sent by P. Griffiths. Sorry i forgot to mention that.
>>The patches for cfg.y and cfg.lex are both in the same file (patch.core.cfg..files.diff) within the zip. I was lazy :)
>>I resent it as a whole, and not as a diff, because i indented all the code with tabs, instead of spaces (so a diff would be bigger than just sending all the files).
>>As for the CVS thing ... i agree with Juha. Either gets into the "official" cvs or we do something about it. The code i think is rather stable as it is (i only tested on my debian linux box, soon i will try on an ARM linux and i will report back on that too). For me, as long as it gets into a CVS, i don't care if it is mantained against HEAD or 0.9.0 (i use 0.9.0 .... so all my patches are against it).
>>On a more philosophical level, i understand the "quietness" on iptel's side ... they have their own version, and make money on it. But the thing is that this free version is here to stay ... it is the "problem" of opensource.
>>Another option would be for them to release their proprietary implementation if they feel that it is a better, more tested one.
>>In any case, i think that this whole thing needs to be decided fast.
>>>>>Alex Mack <amack at fhm.edu> 05/03/05 01:26PM >>>
>>Hi Cesc!
>>Nice to have those fixes in a package.
>>Is your cfg.y-patch to be applied *after* cfg.y.patch was applied or
>>*instead* of cfg.y.patch?
>>Or is your version a patched one which replaces the original
>>implementation as a whole? In that case where's cfg.lex.patch?
>>Alex Mack
>>Cesc Santasusana schrieb:
>>>I really hate to be so pushy, but i dont understand how such an important piece of code as TLS is not moving on into CVS ... or anywhere else by this matter. I will keep sending patches till i get tired (soon).
>>>Anyway ... i thought someone may be interested in a compilation fix for cfg.y introduced with the tls_domains (it would not compile if the cfg.y file had been patched but the tls-core files were not there); a bug fix for the session caching (fixed by turning session caching and resumption off); and an extension (the ability to choose the list of allowed ciphers from the config file). Oh, and all the files have been tabbed, instead of spaced (for indentation).
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