[Serusers] NAT with multiple SERs

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Tue May 3 11:05:26 CEST 2005

Juha Heinanen wrote:
>  > If so, it theoretically should work with transparent NAT handling on two 
>  > SERs too, if both SERs know the external IP/port of UAC-1.
> yes, but symmetric nat would not forward packets to uac from the ip
> address of the other ser even if it sends them to the external ip/port
> of the uac.

Yes, and also (port-)restricted cone NAT won't work...

UPnP isn't widespread enough and cascading NAT won't work too (just want 
to be shure to take into account all possibilities ;o) )

Ok, so the conclusion is to use a clustered solution with one public IP 
and some kind of heartbeat.

Well, thanks for the insights anyway.


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