[Serusers] Ser installation
Simon Miles
simon at SystemsRM.co.uk
Thu Mar 17 12:53:36 CET 2005
There is a "Getting Started" guide on www.ONsip.org. We are about to
update the document on Monday to cover MySQL support, but here is a
snippet of text from it. There will also be a complete ser.cfg file that
shows how it should be configured.
To support MySQL, three steps are needed :-
1. Modify the source, rebuild and reinstall the binaries
2. Modify MySQL to support the database and tables needed
3. Modify the ser.cfg to use the database
All the source has already been loaded, what we need to change is the
Makefile so that we now include the MySQL module. Edit the file
src/sip_router/Makefile and at the line starting 'exclude_modules?='
remove the reference to mysql. Save the file and then recompile the code
with the command 'make all'. Reinstall the binaries by taking root
privileges and executing 'make install'.
MySQL needs to be modified to support the ser database and tables. Again
take on root privileges and execute 'make dbinstall'. You will be asked
for the root MySQL password and also the realm that you want. This is
configurable, but normally you use the IP address of the sip server.
Now replace the 'ser.cfg' file with the one that supports MySQL and
restart the sip server.
-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces at iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces at lists.iptel.org] On
Behalf Of bui hungviet
Sent: 15 March 2005 07:53
To: serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject: [Serusers] Ser installation
Dear all,
I am using tz.gz distribution of Ser. After the
installation, I could not find mysql.so, which
supports for the use of MySQL. This package contains
MySQL support package, however when installing, it
was not compiled. The "mysql.so" should be generated
as expected.
Anyone could me please!
Thank you,
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