[Serusers] remote mysql server

Barry Murphy barry at unix.co.nz
Wed Mar 9 19:56:14 CET 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexey N. Kovyrin @ Home" <alexey at home.kovyrin.net>
> AFAIK, serctl doesn't looks into ser.cfg file for mysql params. Params
> are stored directly in serctl script file.
> serctl acl show - in that case, not reads ser.cfg, but constructs sql
> qurery and calls for external mysql binary.

Ok this doesn't bother me, I can install SER on our DB server and just use
the serctl from the local server.

I guess now my issue is getting the ser.cfg to connect to the remote DB so I
can start SER.

modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)

## tried 1 ##
modparam("usrloc", "db_url","sql://ser:pwd@db.fast.co.nz/ser")
## /tried 1 ##

## tried 2 ##
## /tried 2 ##

I get this error (seen from debug level):
Maxfwd module- initializing
 0(80209) DEBUG: init_mod: usrloc
 0(80209) usrloc - initializing
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_stats) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_rm_contact) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_dump) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_flush) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_add) registered
 0(80209) DEBUG: register_fifo_cmd: new command (ul_show_contact) registered
 0(80209) find_export: <db_use_table> not found
 0(80209) mod_init(): Can't bind database module
 0(80209) init_mod(): Error while initializing module usrloc


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