[Serusers] which ser + serweb works?

Iqbal iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Wed Mar 9 14:53:00 CET 2005

alter table subscriber add column perms varchar(128);


On 3/9/2005, "Tan, Chiang Kang " <Chiang.Tan at thalesgroup.com> wrote:

>Hi Socrates,
>	serweb is expecting the field 'perms' from the the ser database in
>mysql. However the column was dropped in ser 0.8.14. Hence you fail to logon
>using serweb as you haven't got the permission (serweb is expecting 'perms')
>to do that.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Socrates [mailto:socratez at gmail.com]
>Sent: 09 March 2005 11:35
>To: Tan, Chiang Kang
>Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>Subject: Re: [Serusers] which ser + serweb works?
>Thanks Chiang:
>I downloaded serweb_2004_07_27 from
>ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/ser/latest/contrib/, and it seems to have
>column 'perms' in two tables: 'pending' and 'subscriber'. Also,
>password is correctly set to 'heslo' in config.php, so I don't know
>where these incosistencies come from.
>It looks like there's a serious version mismatch here. Can anyone
>comment on this, or report their experiences with ser and serweb? I'm
>currently unable to operate serweb (both 27_07_2004 version and from
>CVS) with ser 0.8.14
>On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 09:54:43 -0000, Tan, Chiang Kang
><Chiang.Tan at thalesgroup.com> wrote:
>> Hi Socrates,
>>         I got mine working using ser 0.8.14-fc2 (download the latest
>> version from CVS and I compile the RPMs using the SPEC file for Fedora
>> 2) and I use serweb_2004_07_27. I also use MySQL-4.1.
>>         I'm not expert enough to nail down your problem, however these are
>> the issues I had and how I got round it:
>>         1) I need to change the password for SER and SERRO into the old
>> format (e.g. set password=OLD_PASSWORD('heslo') )
>>         2) I install MySQL-shared-compat-4.0.23-0.i386.rpm to get
>> libmysql.so.10
>>         3) the 'perms' column in ser subscriber table was dropped. So I
>> modify the ser_mysql.sh script to get that column back in otherwise my
>> serweb will        have problem logging in.
>> Hope this is useful.
>> cheers
>> Chiang
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