[Serusers] Logging into SERWEB
Karel Kozlik
karel at iptel.org
Thu Jun 30 16:40:41 CEST 2005
> I changed config.php as follows:
> $this->realm=$this->domainnam=egrep_replace(...) CHANGE TO
> $this->realm=$this->domainname="sip.mydomain.net"
> I don't understand why I had to do this.
serweb can be used to control multiple domains. Only thing which you
need for it is configure virtual servers for other domains in apache.
For that reason is domain obtained automaticaly from http headers. But
this not working if you use url http://localhost/serweb... in your
browser. You must use http://your-domain/serweb... and it may be little
confusing for new users.
By your change you set the domain to "sip.mydomain.net" by hand.
> Leo P.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karel Kozlik [mailto:karel at iptel.org]
> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:31 AM
> To: Leo
> Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
> Subject: Re: [Serusers] Logging into SERWEB
> Hi Leo,
> which version of serweb are you useing? I wrote about the latest (0.9.3)
> >
> > Thank you for the quick response and the thorough answer, but I
> cannot seem
> > to follow your advice because:
> > 1) I cannot find the file 'configure_data_layer.php'. I even did and
> > updatedb and a locate.
> > 2) There is nothing about username and password on my ser.cfg.
> Sorry, I'm not expert to configuration of ser. But you should have in
> ser.cfg something like this:
> modparam("usrloc|avp_db", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
> If you haven't probably the default (mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser) is
> used. This db_url is in format:
> mysql://username:password@host/db_name
>>3) I don't know which .php file to change to add '$config->enable_loging =
>>true'. I cannot find this parameter in the config.php file. I also don't
>>know to where the logs would be stored.
> config.php is the right file. If 'enable_loging' isn't here you probably
> have some old serweb.
> Karel
>>The result of the sql query were as follows
>>Username = admin
>>Password = heslo
>>Domain = sip.mydomain.net
>>Leo P.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Karel Kozlik [mailto:karel at iptel.org]
>>Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:36 AM
>>To: Leo
>>Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>>Subject: Re: [Serusers] Logging into SERWEB
>> Hi Leo,
>>there are two kinds of user:
>>1. system user for login into mysql.
>>Default username=ser, password=heslo. This is used for security your
>>database against unauthorized access. This values should be set in
>>config_data_layer.php (and ser.cfg of course). How to change default
>>password you can find in mysql manual.
>>2. sip users
>>Serweb admin is special sip user. Default username is
>>admin@<your_domain> and password is heslo. Usernames and passwords of
>>sip users are stored in table 'subscriber' in DB. To check your exact
>>values you can login to mysql from command line:
>>mysql -u ser -pheslo ser
>>and type:
>>select username, domain, password from subscriber;
>>If you still can't login into serweb follow this FAQ:
>> Q: Still can't login into serweb by default username and password
>> A: Enable loging in serweb ($config->enable_loging = true) and
>> see log file. For more verbosity set log level to PEAR_LOG_DEBUG
>>Leo napsal(a):
>>>Dear serusers,
>>>It still does not work. Here is what I did so far to figure this out.
>>>1) When I log in to MySQL from the command line I use the following
>>>"mysql -pMyPwd ser"
>>>2) From conf.php: db_host=, db_name=ser, db_user=ser,
>>>3) My domain is sip.leosser.net
>>>1) Shouldn't db_user='admin' and NOT 'ser' since this is what the
>>>field is for the password 'heslo' in the MySQL database? However, if I
>>>change this I don't even get to the login screen on serweb.
>>>2) I have tried logging in as admin at sip.leosser.net and password heslo,
>>>root at sip.leosser.net and mypwd. Nothing works when I do get to the serweb
>>>login screen.
>>>I am stuck. Anyone have any suggestions?
>>>Leo P.
>>>leo at ltcjp.com
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: li wei [mailto:augzbaby at yahoo.com.au]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:14 PM
>>>To: Leo
>>>Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>>>Subject: Re: [Serusers] Logging into SERWEB
>>>Please make sure your username, password and domain
>>>values are exactly matched the values of your
>>>subscriber table.
>>>--- Leo <leo at ltcjp.com> wrote:
>>>>Dear serusers,
>>>>I successfully installed SERWEB.I think.
>>>>However, I cannot seem to login at the login screen.
>>>>I go to http://mydomain/admin/index.php and I get
>>>>the login screen, but
>>>>nothing I try there works. What could this be?
>>>>I already tried:
>>>>'root' and my passoword
>>>>admin and heslo
>>>>I don't know what else to do. Please help.
>>>>Leo Papadopoulos
>>>>leo at ltcjp.com
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