[Serusers] Is manipulating the content of an AVP possible?

Kanakatti Mahesh Subramanya mahesh at aptela.com
Fri Jun 10 01:50:11 CEST 2005

to be precise

a) how do I go about combining two AVPs ?
b) how can I change the value (string manip, to be precise) the value of 
an AVP?
c) how can I do (b), based on the content of a different AVP?

Ideally, the answer isn't "write the code to do this"

The <hack>method</hack> that I came up with was
a) write the AVPs I care about to a custom header
b) resend the request to myself, and then use 'subst' (or equivalent 
textops command)

needless to say, urghk.


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