[Serusers] Dest IP

Sebastian Kühner skuehner at veraza.com
Thu Jul 28 17:09:43 CEST 2005


I need the destination IP of the user of the first INVITE message (user ->
ser)... but dst_ip == xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx gives me the IP of ser.

The problem is that I only want to force the rtp_proxy if the users are
behind a Port restricted cone NAT (the scr-ips of them are known)

Here is my code:

# Force rtpproxy for users that are behind a Port Restricted Cone NAT
if ((src_ip == xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx | dst_ip == xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) &&
!(uri=~"sip:[0-9]{9,30}@.*")) {
    fix_nated_contact(); # Rewrite contact with source IP of signalling
    force_rport(); # Add rport parameter to topmost Via

Has anyone an idea how I can get the IP of the user? For example in the
location database?



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