[Serusers] Questions about ser

Jan Janak jan at iptel.org
Mon Jul 25 20:14:27 CEST 2005

On 25-07-2005 13:49, Michael Ulitskiy wrote:
> On Monday 25 July 2005 01:47 pm, Michael Ulitskiy wrote:
> > > > Well, I guess it's not a solution. It's a workaround at best. I'd vote for something
> > > > apache-like. I.e. master process monitoring the number of idle children and forking
> > > > additional as needed. Thanks anyway.
> > > 
> > > Why not start them all from the beginning? Is not like they will eat a
> > > lot of resources...
> Just because sometimes it's hard to predict how many of them will be needed.
> And if you grow over time you have a good chance not to notice that the number
> needs to be increased until you get a whole lot of customers complaints. And
> with this approach it's hard to deal with temporary activity spikes. And probably
> more :)

  Well, don't forget that SIP mostly runs on top of UDP and if the
  the user agent does not receive any reply in 500ms then it considers
  the SIP message lost and retransmits the request. So dropping the
  request on the server side might be better in such situations than
  keeping it in the input queue for a long time.

  In conclusion, it would be nice to have the possibility to adjust the
  number of children based on the traffic volume, but we don't have it
  at the moment and it is not trivial to develop it. The situation is,
  however, not that bad because SIP runs on top of UDP and user agents
  will retransmit requests if necessary.


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