[Serusers] SER FIFO and concurrent writing to FIFO

Jan Janak jan at iptel.org
Sun Jul 24 00:13:56 CEST 2005

On 18-07-2005 15:55, Rodrigue ESTEVE wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote a perl script to register many sip uri in one time using the FIFO of
> SER and the ul_add method.
> I'd like to know if there's other concurrent process than my script writing to
> the FIFO (for example SER itself for registration?)and is there a way to
> protect the fifo to be sure that the information sent to the FIFO will be
> parsed correctly (ie prevent information to be interlaced in the fifo).

  No, only serctl executed manually and serweb can write to it.


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