[Serusers] Shutdown handling of SER

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Fri Jul 15 11:38:49 CEST 2005

One could possibly do it with external apps via FIFO.

Initially, you would set a gflag (if gflag_set("1") { redirect; break; }}
and then watch fifo/t_stats till current transactions drop to zero.
Eventually, you shut down the process (possible after some period
of time to deal with stateless e2e ACKs).


At 11:20 AM 7/15/2005, Andreas Granig wrote:
>I'm just curious about the way SER performs a shutdown. Is there a graceful shutdown handling? If so, what exactly is done?
>IMHO a nice way would be to stop accepting new transactions (rejecting them with 301 for example to allow them to be resend to another server) but still accepting messages corresponding to ongoing transactions like 100/180/200 responses and ACK requests. If there are no more incomplete transactions, the socket could be closed and the process could shut down.
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Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 

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