[Serusers] Error running ser-0.9.3

Sandra Donaire sandrad at tid.es
Fri Jul 8 09:46:44 CEST 2005


Sorry for my English!
I solved my problem with compile Mysql module. But In the start of ser 
in debug mode, I have the next error:

0(0) find_mod_export_ <db_use_table> in module sql not found
0(0) bind_dbmod: Module sql does not export db_use_table function
0(0) ERROR: mod_init(): Can't bind database module
0(0) init_mod(): Error while initializing module usrloc
ERROR: error while initializing modules

In ser .cfg I have modparam with the correct password.
Why can be it?

Thanks at all.

Sandra Donaire Arroyo
Telefónica I+D
División de "Tecnologías de acceso a redes IP"

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