[Serusers] SER + Remote MySQL Server
iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Fri Jul 1 15:05:14 CEST 2005
What other message are you expecting, I mean does ser start up, or in
the debug output is it saying anything about not connecting to Mysql ,
if you are not dumping debug to consoile, then check /var/log/messages
to see if there are any errors there. If no then maybe ser has started.
Sebastian Kigelman wrote:
>I already try that, but I only get a message in the console saying:
>"Starting SER:", and nothing else happens... :-(
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Iqbal [mailto:iqbal at gigo.co.uk]
>Sent: Friday, 01 July, 2005 09:40
>To: Sebastian Kigelman
>Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>Subject: Re: [Serusers] SER + Remote MySQL Server
>jan posted this
>modparam("auth_db|usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@server_host/ser")
>so replace ser with your username
>helso with ur password
>server_host with the Ip address of your mysql server
>leave the second ser alone, since thats the DB name, and I am guessing you
>have installed it with default name
>Sebastian Kigelman wrote:
>>Thank you Iqbal for your answer... Have you the right line that I need to
>>put on my ser.cfg?, I will really appreciate if you can provide me the
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Iqbal [mailto:iqbal at gigo.co.uk]
>>Sent: Friday, 01 July, 2005 08:24
>>To: Sebastian Kigelman
>>Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>>Subject: Re: [Serusers] SER + Remote MySQL Server
>>Yup, I think thats how most have it, on a remote server, have you tried
>>connecting from your command line where ser is to the remote mysql
>>machine, if that fails, which it normally does, its down to a
>>permissions problem in Mysql.
>>Otherwise in ser.cfg you can define the IP address of your remote mysql
>>Sebastian Kigelman wrote:
>>> Finally, I know why I am having problems with SER + MySQL: I think
>>>is that because I trying to run SER and MySQL in different machines. Per
>>>installation instructions that I found in www.iptel.org, I have installed
>>>SER on other machine in the same subnet, and I was able to create and
>>>initialize the DB with the "ser_mysql create" command. I do that modifying
>>>the ser_mysql.sh and serctl.sh scripts setting DBHOST=<MySQL IP Address>
>>>both files. I thought that those changes would allow to ser application to
>>>start using the remote MySQL server, but analyzing the ser debug messages,
>>>understand that the application is trying to locate the DB on the local
>>> So, there is somebody that there is implemented SER + Remote MySQL
>>>Server?... can you tell me what I need to do to tell to SER that the DB is
>>>located on a remote machine?...
>>> Thanxs in advance!
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Sebastian Kigelman" <sebastian at kigelman.com.ar>
>>>To: <serusers at lists.iptel.org>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:34 AM
>>>Subject: [Serusers] 2nd try: SER does not start with MySQL
>>>>Hi there!!!... Iam newy in SER mailing list, and I have a problem with my
>>>>SER installation that I saw that other members have before, but I can't
>>>>a solution to the issue.
>>>>I have installed the SER (v0.8.14), all works fine until I add MySQL
>>>>to get persistent users. after that, when I run "serctl start" I get this
>>>>Starting SER : cat: /var/run/ser.pid: No such file or directory
>>>>started pid()
>>>>I have made some test to troubleshot this issue, for exsaplme: remplacing
>>>>DIR=... with the full path to SER executable in "serctl"... and also I
>>>>increase the debug level in "ser.cfg" to 7, and I get this output:
>>>>MyHost:/etc/ser# ser -c
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/mysql.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/sl.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/tm.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/rr.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/usrloc.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/registrar.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/auth.so
>>>>0(2577) loading module /usr/lib/ser/modules/auth_db.so
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: usrloc matches module usrloc
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: found <db_mode> in module usrloc
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: auth_db matches module auth_db
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: found <calculate_ha1> in module auth_db
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: auth_db matches module auth_db
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: found <password_column> in module auth_db
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: rr matches module rr
>>>>0(2577) set_mod_param_regex: found <enable_full_lr> in module rr
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <mf_process_maxfwd_header> in module
>>>>maxfwd_module [/usr/lib/ser/modules/maxfwd.so]
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <record_route> in module rr
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <loose_route> in module rr
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <www_authorize> in module auth_db
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <www_challenge> in module auth
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <save> in module registrar
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <lookup> in module registrar
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <sl_send_reply> in module sl_module
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <t_relay> in module tm
>>>>0(2577) find_export: found <sl_reply_error> in module sl_module
>>>>0(2577) routing table 0:
>>>>WARNING: could not rev. resolve
>>>>Listening on
>>>> []:5060
>>>> []:5060
>>>>Aliases: MyHost:5060 localhost:5060 localhost.localdomain:5060
>>>>config file ok, exiting...
>>>>0(2577) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : start
>>>>0(2577) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : empting hash table
>>>>0(2577) DEBUG: tm_shutdown: releasing timers
>>>>0(2577) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : removing semaphores
>>>>0(2577) DEBUG: tm_shutdown : done
>>>>0(2577) shm_mem_destroy
>>>>0(2577) destroying the shared memory lock
>>>>I couldn't find what is wrong in my configuration...
>>>>BTW, I can add, remove and edit users in MySQL Database using "serctl"
>>>>subscribers commands (that means that my SER machine is talking with
>>>>server as in expected)
>>>>Serusers mailing list
>>>>serusers at lists.iptel.org
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>>>serusers at lists.iptel.org
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