[Serusers] help! lost invites when using outbound proxy

Greger V. Teigre greger at teigre.com
Fri Jul 1 07:59:32 CEST 2005

Path can be found in the CVS head. Just use the standard command for 
checking out, but use experimental as module (instead of sip_router)
I believe FWD uses Jasomi as outbound-proxy and yes, it's dedicated.  And I 
wouldn't try using their outbound proxy, it's not what their service is set 
up to be, regardless if it's possible or not.

jeff kwong wrote:
> Thanks for the help Greger! Where can I find information about this
> Path thing? Btw, is fwd.pulver using a seperate outbound-proxy and
> registrar implementation? Do you think its possible for someone to use
> their outbound proxy fwdnat.pulver.com and then register to a
> different softswitch?
> I also thought about rewriting the Contact but that would mean editing
> the fix_nated_contact() function in the nathelper. But since this
> function, and the nathelper,
> have been proven to work by the other SER users, editing it is the not
> the first of my priorities.
> Thanks!
> _jeff 

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