[Serusers] Re: Serusers Digest, Vol 22, Issue 35

Mike Tkachuk mike at yes.net.ua
Fri Feb 25 12:46:46 CET 2005

Hello Brahim,

Friday, February 25, 2005, 1:30:25 PM, you wrote:

B> I try to forward i call to asterisk via SER, the call must be executed
B> in a context named [XXXXX], how can i do this. 

You need to ask this question on Asterisk maillist.
Anyway, short answer is to define a peer in sip.conf and use context there, like:

Best regards,

Mike Tkachuk,     ph:380-3433-47067
YES ISP,          fx:380-3433-47067
Valova 17,        mike|a|yes.net.ua  
Kolomyia,         www.yes.net.ua
Ukraine 78200     FWD: 66518 

          ICQ# 57698805
   MSN: mike_tkachuk|a|hotmail.com

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