[Serusers] Do ser + asterisk_b2bua work ?

Mike Tkachuk mike at yes.net.ua
Thu Feb 24 13:31:09 CET 2005

Hello Iqbal,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 11:33:15 AM, you wrote:

I> Hi Mike

I> For those of us who are using asterisk, is it a replacement for the b2b
I> part of asterisk, or a add-on to asterisk to make the b2b part easier. I
I> am using asterisk for voicemail, however I need to now start to look at
I> the billing, I  was just going to pas the stream via asterisk then hit
I> pstn and use the rate-engine and cdr modules for asterisk, how/where
I> does this fit in
I> tks
I> Iqbal

It's add-on that will allow to make b2bua from asterisk box, all
asterisk features are unchanged and you can use asterisk same way as
you do. All accounting and authorization is performed using radius.

P.S. Please use b2bua maillist (https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/b2bua-users)
for questions. I think serusers list is bad place for it.
Best regards,

Mike Tkachuk,     ph:380-3433-47067
YES ISP,          fx:380-3433-47067
Valova 17,        mike|a|yes.net.ua  
Kolomyia,         www.yes.net.ua
Ukraine 78200     FWD: 66518 

          ICQ# 57698805
   MSN: mike_tkachuk|a|hotmail.com

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