[Serusers] SER+Asterisk+NAT. Need a working example or need to talk about it.

Alexey N. Kovyrin @ Home alex at home.kovyrin.net
Sun Feb 20 03:35:02 CET 2005


I'm implementing some VoIP system with SER+Asterisk. I've already 
implemented many features, but all of them was tested only in non-NAT 
environments. Now, at final-alpha stage (before starting massive beta 
tests) I found big (as for me) problem with NAT... Now I need a working 
example of ser.cfg (it will be really good) or, simply, to talk with 
someone, who realized such scheme...

My current problem is with ua-to-ua calls between my users...
I have a following call routing scheme...

Description: UA1 calls to some number, ser routes this call to asterisk, 
asterisk resolves that number to some account (login name, that being 
used by users to login to ser) and makes call to sip/ser/user_name... 
and ser routes this call for user with such login...

I have strange problems with natted UAs...

Please, send me a working example of similiar schemes 
(ser+asterisk+nat)... or help me by a word ;-)

Great thanks!


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