[Serusers] How to use a numeric ID to call another UA at another server?

Marian Dumitru marian.dumitru at voice-sistem.ro
Thu Feb 17 12:49:10 CET 2005

Hi Charles,

You have to use interdomain prefixes. Set on domainA a prefix for 
recognizing dialed numbers in domainB.
The logic is like:
   PrefixToB+numberInB at domainA -> numberinB at domainB

you can do this directly from script or by using PDT module.

Best regards,

Charles Wang wrote:
> Dear ALL:
> My scenario is two domains(domainA, domainB), two SER sip server
> (SER_A, SER_B) and two UAs (UA_A, UA_B).
> If UA_A registers to SER_A using a numberic ID (886701234567) 
> and another UA_B registers to SER_B using a numberic ID (886207654321). 
> How can SER_A know to forward to call to UA_B under SER_B with only
> numberic ID? Is it possible?
> If it is impossible, now SER_A and SER_B using the same DB, does this
> question have answer?
> How can SER_A search the DB and find the UA_B's URI or
> 886207654321 at domainB.com with only 886207654321?
> Can someone give me a ser.cfg to reference? Please....
> Charles
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