[Serusers] Ok, I gotta ask..

Matt Schulte mschulte at netlogic.net
Wed Feb 16 14:55:44 CET 2005

Ah k, I checked out the cvsroot of ser and everything is dated months
ago. Is there something I'm missing? :-).. Also ser "stable" is still at
0.9.0 right?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamey Hicks [mailto:jamey.hicks at hp.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 7:47 AM
To: Matt Schulte
Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Ok, I gotta ask..

Matt Schulte wrote:

>Is ser being actively developed anymore? Everywhere I go on iptel's 
>website, everything is horridly outdated. Is there an alternative to 
>ser? We like ser a lot but don't want to continue inhouse devel on a 
>"dead" program. Asterisk doesn't even come close to the processing 
>power of ser, that can't be it... ??
Ser is still being actively developed.  If you're doing in-house 
development on ser, I suggest you join the serdev mailing list so that 
you can keep up on what's going on with other ser developments.


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