[Serusers] Query on the Back-Up Server

Jhon miller sip_2004 at mail.com
Fri Feb 11 11:23:33 CET 2005

Hi all,

Could any one help me to understand the back-up servers concept.

In the RFC 3263, section 2 says the following

"   It is possible for elements to fail in the middle of a transaction.
   For example, after proxy 2 forwards the request to UA 2, proxy 1
   fails.  UA 2 sends its response to proxy 2, which tries to forward it
   to proxy 1, which is no longer available.  The second aspect of the
   flow in the introduction for which DNS is needed, is for proxy 2 to
   identify a backup for proxy 1 that it can send the response to."

This talks about the Proxy 2's work ,but how the backup server will
collect the Details of the calls handled by the Proxy 1?.

Thanks in advance

John Miller

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