[Serusers] Disconnecting a call.

Mike Tkachuk mike at yes.net.ua
Sat Feb 12 10:58:05 CET 2005

Hello Marian,

Friday, February 11, 2005, 10:12:19 PM, you wrote:

MD> Hi Pavel,

MD> Vovida it's the only free that I know :-(.

MD> Best regards,
MD> Marian

MD> Pavel Siderov - Hostmates wrote:
>> Marian can you suggest me a b2bua application. As I know
>> vovida's one latest version is two years old...
>> Thanks,
>> Pavel Siderov
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marian Dumitru" 
>> <marian.dumitru at voice-sistem.ro>
>> To: "Tom Gaudasinski" <cetus at internode.on.net>
>> Cc: <serusers at lists.iptel.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2005 8:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Serusers] Disconnecting a call.
>>> Hi Tom,
>>> SER is transaction statefull, not dialog/call statefull; it has not
>>> the ability to terminate a call in progress. For this you need a b2bua
>>> (like vovida)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Marian
>>> Tom Gaudasinski wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>>    Another question from me. I need to be able to liberally 
>>>> disconnect a call that's in progress at any time. Is there any way to
>>>> do this. I want to implement a pseudo prepaid billing, and I need
>>>> something that will allow for call termination once credits have been
>>>> used up. Is there any way i can send SER a message or anything else?
>>>> Or maybe set a timer for maximum call duration so that the call will
>>>> be killed after it passes?
>>>> Thank you.

I know. It's asterisk. But natively it not support radius and is not
B2BUA. So, it's my try to make b2bua from asterisk.
It's patched asterisk and some AGI script for it.
What it support?
Full vovida's b2bua radius emulation, radius failover, LCR, Call
failover, Codec based routing and much other things that can be
useful. Sorry, but I did not made good patch to Asterisk (it's patched
stable branch CVS). Works in production, servs near 20 concurent calls, but
sure can serve more.
Sorry, no documentation yet, and I had not enough time to make real
easy installation, (maybe someone want's to do it? ;) )


Best regards,

Mike Tkachuk,     ph:380-3433-47067
YES ISP,          fx:380-3433-47067
Valova 17,        mike|a|yes.net.ua  
Kolomyia,         www.yes.net.ua
Ukraine 78200     FWD: 66518 

          ICQ# 57698805
   MSN: mike_tkachuk|a|hotmail.com

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