[Serusers] Segmentation Fault (SER Not Starting)

Kyle Bresin kbresin at go2call.com
Tue Dec 13 18:15:48 CET 2005

I had a similar problem with a 0.9.x version of SER.

My issue seemed to be that I had a pentium 3 chip, but when I compiled 
SER, it was using athlon extensions instead, thus the binary broke badly 
when I tried to run it.

First, see what processor you have (if you don't know).
more /proc/cpuinfo

Then recompile SER (make clean && make) and as the messages scroll past, 
see if you spot any "-mtune=athlon".  If you do and you have an intel 
chip...  Well, then you may have the problem I did.

Here's how I fixed it:

Rather than try to figure out why the Makefile wasn't detecting my CPU 
properly, I just editted Makefile.defs, found the place where it was 
adding -mtune=athlon (for me it was around line 461), and I changed that 
to be specific to my cpu, in my case -mtune=pentium3.

I then recompiled and it fixed it.


sagar wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I am having trouble when trying to start SER. I am using Ser 0.8.14 on
> Redhat ES 3.
> When I am trying to start it gives
> Segmentation Fault.
> Can anybody suggess how to overcome this problem.
> Thanks And Regards
> Vidhya Sagar Dixit
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