[Serusers] Where does SER get the public IP of a NATed uac from for sending as STATUS message?

Frank Fischer frank.fischer at digitalnomads.ch
Sun Dec 11 13:34:36 CET 2005

Hi all
related to 0.9.1pre.
I have a problem with NATed UACs in my setup. Therefor i would like to know
where SER takes the public IP of a NATed UAC from, a request is forwarded to
(using the reply handler) if i call fix_nated_contact() to rewrite the NATed
UACs contact header. Is it always taken form the received field in the
location record? 
Just for explanation: It seems that my SER does not rewrite the contact
header field in the reply route when i call fix_nated_contact(). The contact
header value stays the same, just before and after call to
fix_nated_contact(). So i think, it could be SER does not get the correct
"NAT"-information for the related enpoint and the reads a value from a
request field? Anyone ever encountered a similar situation? Is there a way
to get closer information on what's happening when calling
fix:nated_contact() during runtime?
Thanks for you help.
Kind regards
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