[Serusers] announcement: student project finished: partiSIPation

Matthias Liebig matthias at lists.iptel.org
Fri Dec 9 01:18:47 CET 2005


recently we, a group of students, finished our project here at iptel. It
is a SIP user agent framework. Below you'll find the introduction of our
project report which is published at BerliOS [1].

"PartiSIPation is the result of a student project at the Institute for
Open Communication Systems (OKS) at the Technical University Berlin.

When we started with PartiSIPation in April 2005 there already were some
SIP clients available, but none of them was actually usable. So our main
goal was to create a SIP soft client that does not have to hide itself
from hard clients - SIP phones. Therefore it has to be able to handle
several parallel calls and accounts. But we also thought about future
applications like online games. So PartiSIPation should be easy
integrateable in other applications on different operating systems.

To reach all these goals we designed PartiSIPation as follows:
PartiSIPation is a SIP user agent which consists of two parts: a Core
written in portable C and an easily replaceable GUI. So it can be used
as a softphone as well as it can be integrated in any kind of
application. It uses external libraries for signaling and speech
transfer which are called over interfaces and adapters. An adapter
encapsulates the interface of a library and provides a simpler interface
expected by the user agent. This makes an easy library replacement
possible. Only the adapter has to be edited, no Core changes are necessary.

Because PartiSIPation comes with its own SIP state machine a GUI or
application can easily place calls by using its simple XML-RPC
API. XML-RPC is language independent which means that the GUI can base
on Java, GTK, Qt or whatever depending on the preferences of the GUI
developer or its purpose.

Every call has its own state machine, so parallel calls are no problem.
And together with the account management of PartSIPation which allows
the registration with several accounts it is possible to use this user
agent for complex situations like they are occurring in gaming.

Recently, PartiSIPation became Open Source Software and was published at
http://developer.berlios.de/projects/partisipation/ ."

Best regards,
Matthias Liebig

[1] http://developer.berlios.de/docman/?group_id=5063

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