[Serusers] Creating CDRs from SERs accouning records

Erik erik at infopact.nl
Thu Dec 1 11:34:51 CET 2005

Arek Bekiersz wrote:
> It is usually enough to match INVITE with --first-- of recorded BYEs
> with the same CallID. It is fairly accurate.

Not if there are 2 calls at the same time using the same call_id

> From my experience I would say every month 1 or 2 calls have missing
> BYEs. You give them "1 minute" duration or just forget ;-)
> BTW this is just a top of an iceberg somewhere in front of us. And it
> does not only concern billing.

Just correct CDR's will do for now ;)

> You see? Provide killer environment. Let's start with billing.
> -- 
> Arek Bekiersz
> Eric Haskins wrote:
>> If I am correct I believe CDRTool uses mediaproxy to prevent the
>> phantom BYE record.
>> Adrian can correct me if I read wrong.  Invites without BYE's are
>> common No one answered
>> the phone. We just Log and drop records that dont have matching
>> The reason as I have seen for the missing BYE (discussed alot on here)
>> is the UA or the Gateway
>> dont send a BYE for whatever reason.  We havent seen that many ,
>> infact not one yet knock on wood.
>> We thought about just estimating and calling them one minute calls.
>> The problem we are having is we route some wholesale traffic thru us
>> via trusted IP and account for
>> it (Easy Part) but we also get DID's from that Company so all traffic
>> comes from same IP.  DID's work
>> fine but it broke our parser.  LOL was charging them for our incoming
>> calls OOPS!!! I guess for now
>> I am going to move the wholesale Trusted IP stuff to its own box.
>> Eric
>> eric at rackspeed.net
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Fischer"
>> <frank.fischer at digitalnomads.ch>
>> To: "'Dave'" <ddx66 at yahoo.com>
>> Cc: <serusers at lists.iptel.org>
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 5:14 PM
>> Subject: RE: [Serusers] Creating CDRs from SERs accouning records
>>> Do i get this right - the matching is just done by searching a matching
>>> INVITE for each BYE where matching means that the callid must be the
>>> same?
>>> Anf of course by calculating the callduration, normalize certain
>>> fields and
>>> "grap" phonenumbers out of the sip uri?
>>> Is it really that "simple"? Since, on one hand side, i read about cases
>>> where there is no BYE at the end of a call (i think it had to do with
>>> mediaproxy), on the other hand side, when i look at "my" acc table, i
>>> can
>>> find some records, where there are multiple BYEs with the same callid or
>>> INVITEs without a BYEs.
>>> I understand, that missing BYEs primarly are a problem of the
>>> accounting,
>>> not of the normalization, but, how ever, i'm quite sure that i won't be
>>> possible to have a 100% accurate accounting so i thought that there
>>> might be
>>> the need/possibility to do some "fixing" during normalization. I.e. i
>>> think
>>> i understood that the commercial version of CDRTool does so for missing
>>> BYEs?
>>> Am i completely wrong?
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