[Serusers] DB documentation outdated?

Federico Giannici giannici at neomedia.it
Sun Aug 14 13:51:48 CEST 2005

Federico Giannici wrote:
> It seems that the database interface documentation in the current 
> Developer's Guide is very outdated.
> For example, the bind_dbmod() function is said to have no parameters and 
> indeed it seems that it has two parameters!
> Is there any uptodate documentation for developing SER modules?

OK, I found it by myself into "db/doc/db-api.txt".

Please note that the example code into "db/example" still uses the old 
syntax. I would be better to remove that file from the distribution...


    |-                      giannici at neomedia.it
    |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

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