[Serusers] Sending FQDN in VIA Header

ranveer kunal ranveerkunal at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 08:30:29 CEST 2005

On 8/8/05, Juha Heinanen <jh at tutpro.com> wrote:
> ranveer kunal writes:
>  >             Is there a way to configure SER so that it sends the
>  > domainname in via header ?
> i don't think so.
>  > Why is SER not responding to OPTIONS sent to it, it throws an error
>  > "404 not found" ?
> perhaps you haven't configured ser.cfg to respond to options.

**** I want to get the proxy options, its giving me the options for
users registered to it.
Please tell me how to do that.

> -- juha

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