[Serusers] Re: [Serdev] Auth* changes

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Fri Apr 22 18:34:43 CEST 2005

Greger V. Teigre writes:

 > My personal opinion: Despite the latest commits, AVP loading from RADIUS is 
 > still in transition from being an add-on (avp_radius module) to being 
 > integrated in auth_radius and uri_radius. I would love to get rid of one 
 > auth (we have three today for each INVITE).

i too have floated the idea that authentication would return from radius
caller avps and does_uri_exist function callee avps.  this way you would
not need to make any extra radius calls.  because both caller and callee
may have the same attributes, i suggested to add "caller_" and "callee_"
prefix into avp names.  using rpid as an example, callee can very well
have an rpid that will be used if callee decides to forward the call.

 > This gives another question: Should Session-Type=Call-check always
 > indicate that SIP-AVPs for callee should be returned, or is there
 > other scenarios? (I don't really know, we haven't, but others may?)

my thinking has been that service type implicitly tells, which
attributes should be returned.  if Service-Type is SIP-Session, radius 
returns caller attributes and in case of Call-Check callee attributes.
you could still use the same database table for both.

regarding removing auth_radius, i need it for other things (such as sems
related stuff) and would thus like to keep it.

-- juha

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