[Serusers] ser 0.9.0 and Cisco SIP Gateway

Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa acm at netuse.de
Tue Apr 19 21:02:12 CEST 2005


I want to test a sip configuration with SER and Cisco IOS.
Can someone tell me how to configure this ?
Can someone send me an example configuration ?
How do I associate a user with a directory number ?
For what is the Caller-ID in the user information ?

My configuration should be:
SIP ua -- SER Server -->Cisco Gateway --> PSTN

I know that are a lot of questions, but I don't know
where else to find this information.

The admin Guide and install guide didn't helped.
I searched a lot of pages, mailing list and cisco 
documentation, but nowhere I could find any examples.

Thanks in advance,

Ahmad Cheikh-Moussa 
Dr.-Hell-Straße, 24107 Kiel, Germany
Telefon: +49 431 2390 400 --  Telefax: +49 431 2390 499
Service: Service at NetUSE.DE --  http://NetUSE.DE/

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