[Serusers] LCR failure syntax

Matt Schulte mschulte at netlogic.net
Wed Apr 20 20:02:38 CEST 2005

FYI, I *finally* got around to doing this. A debug shows that load_gw is
in fact loading both gateways..

8(30980) DEBUG:load_gws(): Added AVP <lcr_gw_addr,374650ce>
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 31) called from usr_avp.c: add_avp(112)
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 32) returns address 0xf509a3ec frag.
0xf509a3d4 (size=32) on 1 -th hit
 8(30980) DEBUG:load_gws(): Added AVP <lcr_gw_port,0>
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 31) called from usr_avp.c: add_avp(112)
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 32) returns address 0xf509a43c frag.
0xf509a424 (size=32) on 1 -th hit
 8(30980) DEBUG:load_gws(): Added AVP <lcr_gw_addr,511f7d1>
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 31) called from usr_avp.c: add_avp(112)
 8(30980) qm_malloc(0xf4edf000, 32) returns address 0xf509a48c frag.
0xf509a474 (size=32) on 1 -th hit
 8(30980) DEBUG:load_gws(): Added AVP <lcr_gw_port,0>

Thoughts? Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Juha Heinanen [mailto:jh at tutpro.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 11:59 PM


you could first check which gws get loaded by turning debugging on:

	DBG("load_gws(): DEBUG: Added gw_addr_port_avp <%x, %d>\n",
	    *((unsigned int *)(val.s->s)),
	    *((unsigned short *)(val.s->s + 4)));

-- juha

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