[Serusers] still no help - usrloc synchronization
Greger V. Teigre
greger at teigre.com
Tue Apr 12 12:25:21 CEST 2005
Tina, I'm not sure if I understand: Which of the problems was born in your thoughs?
An do I understand you correctly when you say that LVS-NAT is not a viable solution (to which I agree).
---- Original Message ----
From: Tina
To: Java Rockx
Cc: Greger V. Teigre ; serusers at lists.iptel.org
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 06:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] still no help - usrloc synchronization
> Pretty good news, Paul. I've only tested IP tunneling. It worked for
> me. The problem I described was born in my thoughts. I've also read
> some complaints from SIP-LVS users. The only configuration where
> Call-Id stickness does not necessary is LVS-NAT. Unfortunately, NAT
> becomes bottleneck very fast.
> Java Rockx <javarockx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tina,
> I wish I had more information on that, but that LVS stuff is a black
> art to me. One of our engineers whipped up an LVS configuration that
> seems quite happy with the Call-ID "stickness" you described. All I
> can say right now is that it is apparently possible to do this with
> 100% open source. (i'm keeping my fingers crossed) :-)
> Regards,
> Paul
> On Apr 10, 2005 11:03 PM, Tina <kramarv at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> thanks a lot, it helps a lot. The thing I do not understand - how you
> are going to solve call-id stickness (see my another post). Since
> we're also use LVS I had to find something proprietary, I am afraid
> this is not a best solution, but the only I have today.
> KRs,
> Tina
> Java Rockx <javarockx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Tina,
> I really don't know how the LVS server is configured because our
> network guy that we acquired from RedHat set all that stuff up. I do
> know that we basically have this set up:
> I hope the formatting goes well :-)
> +-----------+ +----------+ +-------+ +---------+
> +--------------------+
>> internet |------| Cisco |------| LVS |-----| Cisco |----|
>> Application | cloud | | 3600 | | | |
>> 3600 | | & DB Servers |
> +-----------+ +----------+ +--------+ +---------+
> +--------------------+
> So! the "Application & DB Servers" box represents multiple servers
> (all are dedicated to their service). These include SER, MySQL,
> Apache, configuration management, monitoring, RTP proxies, etc.
> MySQL is active-active so we have two-way replication. We only have 2
> MySQL servers. And this is all we plan on ever having as MySQL is
> more than capable of handling anything ser can throw at it (given the
> right hardware).
> Each ser server is 100% oblivious to other SER servers except for
> when handling REGISTER messages. Here is basically the ser.cfg for
> each SER server:
> listen= # this will be on the peer sip proxy
> modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 1) # write-through
> route {
> if (method=="REGISTER") {
> if (src_ip== { # ip of peer ser proxy
> save_memory("location");
> break;
> } else {
> save("location");
> t_replicate("");
> break;
> };
> };
> }
> We have identifed a deficiency in the usrloc module urecord.c file
> whereby when using write-though mode the save_memory() function still
> attempt to update MySQL. This is a very bad thing because it causes a
> primary key violation on the location table.
> Yesterday I posted a patch to serdev to fix this, but today we
> identified another case where save_memory() tried to insert in to the
> location table. I'll post a revised patch to serdev as soon as I get
> a chance.
> So here is what happens. Assume I have two sip routers and two MySQL
> servers as:
> sip-01 is
> sip-02 is
> db-01 is
> db-02 is
> Now let's just assume that sip-01 is connected to db-01 and sip-02 is
> connected to db-02.
> When a SIP UA connects to a sip router (via LVS), assume sip-01 in
> this example and REGISTERs, sip-01 will call save("location") which
> updates/inserts to the location table. sip-01 then calls t_replicate
> to sip-02.
> sip-02 recieves the REGISTER message and calls
> save_memory("location") to update its in-memory cache only. It should
> never hit db-02.
> Now db-01 eventually (within a second or two) replicates to db-02 and
> now sip-02 is good to go, even in the event of a restart.
> Our difficulties mostly surrounded the fact t! hat ser was inserting
> the physical IP of eth0 on the server as the top VIA rather than the
> VIP as required. We solved this by using record_route_preset() and
> passing the VIP as the IP. We also had to bring up a dummy interface
> in order to get ser to honor the VIP.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Paul
> On Apr 8, 2005 7:19 PM, Tina <kramarv at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Paul,
> we are using LVS as well. It creates template connection according to
> source Ip (e.g. UAC) and forwards to one of the tunneled IP. I tested
> this a couple of weeks ago, ser was happy and inserted VIP into via
> header, the only issue is to route the calls into right server.
> I agree, there is no such thing as SIP-level clustering. However, how
> would you solve location problem by DB replication - 1) usrloc does
> not update from DB....2) even though, I am afraid it can become
> bottleneck and lock down users ...
> KRs,
> Tina
> Java Rockx <javarockx at gmail.com> wrote:
> See my inline comments.
> Regards,
> Paul
> On Apr 8, 2005 1:08 PM, Greger V. Teigre <greger at teigre.com> wrote:
> Hi Tina,
>> I enjoy reading your posts, thanks a lot for the great work you are
>> doing for ser users!
> Thanks :-)
>> I am going to consider that kind of scenario as well (load balancer
>> returning Virtual IP address). I think for such configuration server
>> side has to keep session information and always forward a call to the
>> right server.
> I believe the load balancer can be in front and transparantly
> translate addresses in the SIP messages:
> User agent always sees a.b.c.d
> |
> Load balancer with public IP a.b.c.d
> | |
> ser1 ( ser2 (
> Paul: You have a similar load-balancing solution, right? Do you use a
> commerical load balancer that you can reveal the name of? :-)
> Our platform is 100% open source. Our load balancer is LVS. I have no
> idea how it actually works. One if our engineers from RedHat set all
> that networking stuff up and it's way beyond me.
> The load balancer need to understand SIP (sort of) and use something
> (ex. IP address of user agent) to select SER server to send to and
> rewrite incoming to and respectively and outgoing
> to a.b.c.d. ser1 and ser2 will happily believe they are alone and
> communicate directly with user agent using their own private
> addresses. Both should know about all users (usrloc). Paul just
> recently posted a small patch for a setup where they use two-way
> replication between two
> That small patch will need a slight revision. We discovered through
> further testing that that patch only fixed attempts to INSERT into
> the location table. We didn't cover the UPDATE route, unfortunately.
> I believe Andrew has that patch done and is testing it. So I'll post
> it to serdev as soon as we know it works - possibly later today.
> mysql servers and where each SER instance will save all REGISTERs it
> receives from user agents, but only save to memory those replicated
> from the other SER peer. Klaus pointed out that the same can be done
> by not doing mysql replication, but have one DB for each SER and just
> use t_replicate() and save_noreply() (for two servers, for more than
> two you need to use forward_tcp()).
> I have heard complaints that this approach will generate too much
> network traffic. Also, t_replicate() does not guarantee delivery of
> the replication (forward_tcp is better, but not fool proof). So, the
> "best" solution would probably be to hope that Paul's
> I fully agree. Replication at the sip proxy level, IMHO, is not a
> good idea. From a purist point of view, replication is not a function
> of a SIP router - nor should it be. It is a function of the database
> and we believe that the MySQL replication is a better approach from a
> speed and reliabilty point of view - not to mention that it
> simplifies the tasks of the sip router.
> recent TCP/UDP patch for network access to FIFO commands get included
> in the CVS. Then, a new replication module should use XMLRPC or
> whatever protocol the patch is using to forward (in a guaranteed
> mode) the usrloc information, which then would be injected directly
> into SER's memory, just like save() would, and of course in whatever
> db_mode you would like. The replicaton module would have to keep a
> queue (of course, flushed to a DB or something) in case of network
> problems, so that the replication would be done (sooner or later)
> regardless of problems.
> Of course, this is a major undertaking, so for most replication
> scenarioes, I would think the forward_tcp() + save_noreply() would
> work just fine.
> g-)
>> "Greger V. Teigre" <greger at teigre.com> wrote:
>> I was thinking about a load balancing scenario where the load
>> balancer will replace the IP addresses.
>> g-)
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From: Tina
>> To: Greger V. Teigre
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 09:45 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Serusers] still no help - usrloc synchronization
>>> Thank you for givingme the scenario with "restricted IP" NAT, I am
>>> starting to find some acceptable solution.
>>> Unfortunately, "one-public-IP" approach is not free from problems
>>> also. If your SIP router inserts this "one-public-IP" into the VIA
>>> header, the reply routing goes via wrong SIP server...
>>> If your SIP server inserts its real-IP-address - the scenario
>>> mentioned above is ! still not resolved.
>>> Any comments?
>>> Tina
>>> "Greger V. Teigre" <greger at teigre.com> wrote:
>>> See inline.
>>>> If you use DNS server for load balancing... the client receives one
>>>> of your domain IP addresses according to SRV. I don't see the
>>>> problem
>>>> with a call here, cause UAC asks t! he address only once (before
>>>> sending INVITE). UAC already has the IP for BYE/reINVITEs. So why
>>>> would you replicate INVITEs?
>>> I would never replicate INVITEs, I would just make sure that they
>>> are proxied through the correct SER server (i.e. IP).
>>> The problems depends on your setup. If you have SERs with different
>>> IPs, ex UA1 has registered with server A and UA2 h! as registered
>>> with server B: If UA2 wants to call UA1 and UA is behind an IP
>>> restricted NAT, server A is stored in the NAT table of the NAT in
>>> front of UA1. If server B sends an INVITE to UA1, the INVITE will
>>> be refused by UA1's NAT.
>>> This is why a "one public IP" in front of a load balancing
>>> cluster probably is a good way to go.
>>>> If you use IPVS/LVS... I believe you can force SER to insert it's
>>>> public IP into VIA,! so there is no problem with replies. With
>>>> regard
>>>> to another requests, I believe load balancer keeps connection
>>>> template, then when another request comes it would be forwarded to
>>>> the same ser.
>>> Yes. There are different "keys" to use to load balance SIP messages.
>>> One good way from a NAT point of view is to use originating IP
>> ! ;> address. What you must remember is that the problem is not on
>> the
>>> server side, but on the client side. The NAT will in many
>>> situations stop incoming UDP packets if the originating ip:port is
>>> not already stored in the NAT table. The Via header does not
>>> matter for the NAT. g-)
>>>> Any comments?
>>>> "Greger V. Teigre" <greger at teigre.com> wrote:
>>>> Yes, I believe that is so. But still you get a problem if the NAT
>>>> is restricted, port-restricted or symmetric... The best would be to
>>>> load>> balance and always make sure that a given client is handled
>>>> through a given
>>>> SER (REGISTER and INVITEs). That includes forwarding INVITEs from
>>>> one
>>>> SER to
>>>> another... OR you must load balance in front of your servers with
>>>> one
>>>> common
>>>> public IP.
>>>> g-)
>>>> Matt Schulte wrote:
>>>>> Ack, I didn't even think about NAT. Would these be added before it
>>>>> gets sent off to the second proxy? ie:
>>>>> if (!src_ip==blah.netlogic.net) {
>>>>> add_rcv_param();
>>>>> t_replicate("blah.netlogic.net", "999");
>>>>> };
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Greger V. Teigre [mailto:greger at teigre.com]
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 7:49 AM
>>>>> To: Matt Schulte; kramarv at yahoo.com
>>>>> ! ; Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>>>>> Subject: ! Re: [Serusers] still no help - usrloc synchronization
>>>>> Well, you still have the NAT issues unless you do load balancing
>>>>> and your
>>>>> SER servers have the same public IP.
>>>>> Have you looked at 0.9.0 nathelper function add_rcv_param() ? It
>>>>> will add received info to the contact header for the other SER to
>>>>> process. Haven't really tried yet...
>>>>> g-)
>>>>> Matt Schulte wrote:
>>>>>> I'm starting to lean this direction, using t_replicate and all. I
>>>>>> could never get usrloc (db mode) to function properly..
>>>>>> t_replicate is
>>>>>> a dirty but very effective workaround.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Greger V. Teigre [mailto:greger at teigre.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 02,! 2005 1:33 AM
>>>>>> To: kramarv at yahoo.com
>>>>>> Cc: serusers at lists.iptel.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Serusers] still ! no help - usrloc synchronization
>>>>>> Have a look at this thread:
>>>>>> http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2005-January/014669.html
>>>>>> g-)
>>>>>> Java Rockx wrote:
>>>>>>> Tina,
>>>>>>> I thought I saw you post the other day that you did not want to
>>>>>>> use t_replicate(), however, this is probably your best bet to
>>>>>>> getting this
>>>>>>> to work, IMHO.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>> On Apr 1, 2005 4:08 PM, Tina wrote:
>>>>>> ! >>
>>>>>>> ! ;> Hi, please help me, I'm stuck with it!!!!!
>>>>>>>> I am trying to set up several sers with a shared MySQL database
>>>>>>>> for location service.
>>>>>>>> I set in each ser.cfg:
>>>>>>>> modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
>>>>>>>> modparam("usrloc",
>>>>>>>> "db_url","sql://ser:heslo@")
>>>>>>>> and the servers are not synchronized.
>>>>>>>> The I set
>>>>>>>> modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
>>>>>>>> made UAC (Xlite) register to! one of the servers.
>>>>>>>> I see it via usrloc, but there is no record in "location" mySQL
>>>>>>>> table....So others do not see the client and I'm unable to make
>>>>>>>> calls....
>>>>>>>> Please help how to work with usrloc and mySQL...
>>>>>>>> Tina,
>>>>>>>> software engineer
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