[Serusers] revert uri to its early state, but no the original

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Wed Sep 8 12:57:29 CEST 2004

Bogdan is currenlty working on it. It is about storing the URI in middle of
a rewrite chain to an AVP and resotring it from there from within failure_route.


At 09:01 AM 9/8/2004, Richard wrote:
>In our ser.cfg, when an r-uri is first received, it goes through some number
>to domain matching. For example, 8005551212 at is mapped to
>1212 at companya.com. If the call is eventually forwarded to sems after failure
>route, we want to revert it back to 1212 at companya.coom, otherwise it would
>be 1212@<phone-ip-address>. Is there a function to do it? The revert_uri()
>would revert it back to the original 8005551212 at
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Jiri Kuthan            http://iptel.org/~jiri/ 

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