[Serusers] Re: [Serdev] ser's birthday
Adrian Georgescu
ag at ag-projects.com
Sun Sep 5 12:19:40 CEST 2004
IPTEL's SER project is one of the main lighthouses that guide the
industry to Next Generation Networks.
Congratulations to its hard-working developers and many happy returns
of this day!
Your sincerely,
Adrian Georgescu
On Sep 4, 2004, at 10:10 PM, Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul wrote:
> Today ser celebrates its third birthday!
> With this occasion I've written a short ser history based mainly on my
> memory and my old mail archive. I've tried to mention only the
> important
> events. I'm sure I have missed a lot of things and/or people. If this
> is
> your case, please don't feel offended, send me an email and I will
> straighten things up.
> Three years ago on 4 September 2001 I committed the first working ser
> version on a private cvs. In fact I started writting ser 2 days before,
> on 2nd September. I was supposed to write some kind of sip glue for a
> Cisco PSTN gateway in 1 week, but of course I did it in the last 2 days
> :-)
> At that time the config looked like:
> # method_re sip_uri_re dest_host
> # (warning: re cannot contain space)
> ^R.* ^sip:.*@dorian.* ekina.fokus.gmd.de
> ^INVITE .* ape:5061 # my laptop
> . .
> A short time after this Jiri began testing the code and requesting new
> features.2 weeks later I completely changed the config format bringing
> it pretty close to what we have today. At the time Jiri stronlgy
> disagreed with the ideea arguing that the new config would increase
> code
> complexity too much and would severely impact performance. The final
> argument was: I already wrote the code and it works :-)
> In Octomber 2001 I made some changes to ser routing language bringing
> it
> to what we still use today.
> In the next months I've created the module interface, the first two
> modules (print and textops) and I've added the shared memory support
> (this involved the creation of ser's own malloc library which proved to
> be much faster for ser's memory usage patterns than standards malloc
> implementations).
> During the same period Bogdan and Jan joined me and Jiri also began
> writing code.
> In December 2001 Bogdan announced that tm was up an running (after a
> sleepless night).
> At the beginning of 2002 we were joined by Daniel. Jan introduced the
> mysql, usrloc and auth modules.
> Ser first public appearance was at the April 2002 Sipit. We ran it on a
> pda an still managed to be faster than the testing tools that were used
> against us :-)
> In May 2002 ser got ipv6 support. In September 2002 ser went public: it
> was GPL'ed and the cvs tree was moved to berlios. During the same month
> Jiri introduced the FIFO interface, Karel committed serweb and we had
> the first GPL'ed release: ser 0.8.8.
> In December 2002 ser got its first big external contribution: the enum
> module, written by Juha Heinanen.
> In January 2003 Raphael commited sems on berlios.
> In February 2003 ser got tcp support.
> Sometime during the 2003 spring ser got the permissions module from
> Miklos Tirpak and nathelper from Maxim Sobolev.
> All the rest is too new to be in the history :-)
> Andrei
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