[Serusers] something different with usrloc in ser-0.8.99-devXX

Bogdan-Andrei IANCU iancu at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Mon Oct 25 17:03:39 CEST 2004

Hi Paul,

in the unstable version, there is a problem in usrloc which prevents 
dumping the records to DB table. The problem was reported ~ 2 weeks ago, 
Jan (maintainer of usrloc) knows about it, but unfortunately he has a 
very tight schedule.


Java Rockx wrote:

>Hello All.
>I found a copy of ser 0.8.99-dev7 and installed it. The MySQL location table
>functionality works with dev7. It does not work with any release after dev7.
>Is this a bug?
>--- Java Rockx <javarockx at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Yeah, I've seen the MySQL schema changes between 0.8.14 and dev12 and I've
>>taken that in to account, but that is not the problem. When I enable MySQL
>>query logging I never even see an INSERT statement being issued against the
>>location table.
>>I do however see a "SELECT * FROM LOCATION" when ser starts up, so I'm sure
>>mysql is being hit upon startup, but that's the only time during the server
>>operation that I see the location table being accessed.
>>So I'm still back at square one. I still supsect that something else has
>>changed. Either an additional change needs to be made to ser.cfg file in
>>to get ser to log location entries, or a bug has been introduced in devXX. 
>>I can't remember for certain but I believe this was working in dev7, however
>>don't have a copy of dev7 anymore to verify this.
>>--- Atle Samuelsen <clona at camaro.no> wrote:
>>>There are extra feelds for UA.
>>>Im quite sure you can use ser_mysql for upgrading. 
>>>reff: ser_mysql.sh. reinstall..
>>>usage: ser_mysql.sh create
>>>       ser_mysql.sh drop   (!!entirely deletes tables)
>>>       ser_mysql.sh reinit (!!entirely deletes and than re-creates tables
>>>       ser_mysql.sh backup (dumps current database to stdout)
>>>           ser_mysql.sh restore <file> (restores tables from a file)
>>>       ser_mysql.sh copy <new_db> (creates a new db from an existing one)
>>>       ser_mysql.sh reinstall (updates to a new SER database)
>>>       if you want to manipulate database as other MySql user than
>>>       root, want to change database name from default value "ser",
>>>       or want to use other values for users and password, edit the
>>>       "config vars" section of the command ser_mysql.sh
>>>* Java Rockx <javarockx at yahoo.com> [041025 02:03]:
>>>>Hi All.
>>>>I can't say exactly what the difference is between usrloc in ser-0.8.14
>>>>devXX but I cannot get dev12 to store UA locations in the location table
>>>>MySQL when using any devXX release. This works perfectly fine in
>>>>Does anyone here have the MySQL location table working with devXX?
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