[Serusers] avpops module

Elena Ramona Modroiu ramona at voice-system.ro
Tue Nov 2 03:19:06 CET 2004


I have just added a new module for SER unstable version. AVPops 
(AVP-operations) module implements a set of script functions providing a 
very flexible and complete way of accessing and manipulating the user 
AVPs (preferences). The module tries to take full advantage of all AVP 
features, like using both types of AVPs (ID and name - ID are much 
faster, but name easier to handle) or using both Integer and String values.

A wide range of functions are available:
 - interfaces to DB resources (loading/storing/removing AVPs based on 
different selection criteria and from different tables)
 - functions for swapping information between AVPs and SIP messages; 
storing SIP msg values into AVPs or pushing AVP values into messages.
 - function for testing/checking the value of an AVP against values from 
SIP messages or against other AVPs.

The combination of these function offers possibilities like serial 
forking, dynamic checking of platform characteristics, per user 
preferences/services, etc.

An up-to-date tutorial providing more information (detailed explanations 
and commented examples) can be found on Voice Sistem documentation web 
page at http://voice-system.ro/docs/avpops.

If there are people interested in testing it, I would be grateful for 
any feedback.


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