[Serusers] I am installing serweb. I think everything is in place - just the FIFO settings seem to be a bit unclear.

Andrew Millyard amillyard at originbroadband.ltd.uk
Mon May 31 01:23:19 CEST 2004

Hi there,


I am installing serweb.  I think everything is in place - just the FIFO
settings seem to be a bit unclear.


The following error message:

Warning: fopen(/tmp/ser_fifo): failed to open stream: Permission denied in
/home/siporig/public_html/functions.php on line 206



I have read through the docs.


In the configs.php - it describes:


/* SerWeb talks to SER via FIFO - this is FIFO's name, it must have the same
value as SER's fifo configs param  */


$this->fifo_server="ser_fifo";      (configs.php file)




I am assuming this text is referring to:  /etc/ser/ser.cfg





Are these the two references that need to be the same - or are there others.


Any advise on this would be really apprieated!


Many thanks,




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