[Serusers] pdt module

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at iptel.org
Wed May 12 13:05:54 CEST 2004

On 5/12/2004 11:08 AM, Richard wrote:

>Due to the lack of resources, this is my temporary
>solution. I am using cisco PSTN gateway. When
>configuring dial-peer for one domain, I use the dns
>name as session target instead of ip address. The
>message Cisco sends to ser will be 5551212 at test.com
>instead of 5551212@<ser-ip-address>. To convert the
>PSTN number to internal extension, I use alias. I
>don't know about the scalability of alias table. With
>many users, it can grow very large. It would be nice
>if we can have regular express to manipulate the uri.
There are several  regular expression functions that can be used in ser 
config file. Take a look at the textops module. For example, using 
subst_uri() you can apply perl-like regular expression operations to the 
request uri. Searching on the mailing list archive will rise several 
examples of usage.


>So each company only has one entry in the alias table.
>--- Elena Ramona Modroiu <ramona at iptel.org> wrote:
>>right now you cannot bypass the terminator digit of
>>the code. This 
>>solution was chosen having in mind automatic
>>generation and no length 
>>limitation of prefixes. 
>>The module was intended to serve the calls from
>>terminal adapters to 
>>other domains. There are a lot of different
>>situations in real world and 
>>the module could be extended in the future to
>>address the most common 
>>ones. Contributors are always welcome! :-)
>>Richard wrote:
>>>I had a chance to try the pdt module. It works very
>>>well. In pdt module in source code, there is a very
>>>good README. Also under pdt/doc, there are several
>>>and php scripts.
>>>First create a database "pdt" and a table
>>>Grant ser access to the database if you want. The
>>>table domains has two columns "code" and "domain".
>>>example, a domain abc.com has e164 number range
>>>2345xyz. It uses xyz for internal extension and sip
>>>uri xyz at abc.com. You can manually add a record with
>>>2345 as code and abc.com as domain. When a call
>>>in via pstn gateway to 2345678 at The
>>>prefix2domain translates it into 678 at abc.com.
>>>What I don't understand is the terminator digit.
>>>a digit used by all domains to end a code. For
>>>example, if it is 5 and code is 234, prefix2domain
>>>translate 2345678 to 678 by removing code and then
>>>terminator. In North American, there is no
>>>Is there a way to bypass it?
>>>Another issue is that the function removes the code
>>>from original number. The assumption is that the
>>>domain owns the whole block. It is not always the
>>>case. For example, company A may have
>>>and company B have 2345400-2345599. So code 2345 is
>>>possible to be mapped into two companies. We can't
>>>two records mapping 23452 and 23453 to company A
>>>because it creates overlapped number. In another
>>>example, a company has two number blocks,
>>>2345200-2345299 and 6789200-6789299. Two records
>>>be defined in the database, map 23452 and 67892 to
>>>same domain. Same problem, the rest of numbers are
>>>an overlapped range. 
>>>The problem can be solved if we can define how many
>>>digits are removed instead of removing all code
>>>digits. In the first example, we can define code
>>>and 23455 map to A.com, but only remove the initial
>>>four digits. So they rest of number are unique
>>>company A. In the second example, we only remove
>>>initial three digits, so 52xxx and 92xxx are still
>>>unique within the company. If this new number don't
>>>match the internal extension, we can always use
>>>to change it.
>>>This solution requires some change to the source
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